The ABA is accepting nominations for it’s Top 100 Web resources and this year it is including podcasts!
I would love for The Lawyer Stress Solution to make the list so that more lawyers can find out about these tools and use them to feel less stressed out and get more done. It only takes 2 minutes to nominate me – and I appreciate those two minutes of your time!
Here are the two easy steps:
1. Go to:
2. Fill in the below information:
Name: The Lawyer Stress Solution
Podcast Home Page:
Example URLs of great episodes:…/
Why you are a fan (Don’t plagiarize this please, use your own words, but here are some of the reasons I hear people love the podcast):
It really captures the common thought patterns that lawyers have.
It explains lawyer stress in a new way that no one else does.
It gives concrete actionable ways to reduce stress and improve performance.
The tools work quickly and produce real improvements for listeners.